Context Toolbar

Available when the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor.

Open any of the toolbars used to edit an image with the the Context Toolbar. Only one of the image editing toolbars is displayed at any one time. Likewise, when you create or load an object in the current image window, the Object toolbar, which allows you to manipulate objects, automatically appears.

The Context Toolbar gives you access to:

The Brush Shape toolbar automatically appears when using a tool which allows you to select a brush shape or size.

Area Toolbar

Available when the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor.

  1. Use the following tools to select an area of the current image:
    1. Drag Box -- Allows you to select an area by clicking on the image and dragging a rectangular box around the portion of the image you want to select. The selection can then be grabbed as an object or manipulated in numerous ways.,
    2. Drag Freehand -- Allows you to select an area by dragging a freehand outline or by clicking to create a series of connected straight lines around the portion of the image you want to select. Finish the selection by right-clicking.
    3. Magic Wand -- Allows you to select a contiguous area of the same color, based on the color you click on in the image.
    4. Brush Select -- Allow you to select an area of the image based on the size of the brush you use to make the selection.
    5. Select All --Selects the entire image.

  2. After selecting an area, use the following tools to:
    1. Invert Selection - Reverses the current area selection. For example, if a small rectangle in the center of an image file is selected, and you then click the Invert button, everything but the small rectangle will be selected.,
    2. Replace -- Indicates that the next selection you make will replace the current selection.
    3. Add -- Indicates that the next selection you make will be added to the current selection.
    4. Subtract -- indicates that the next selection you make will be subtracted from the current selection.
  3. Mask -- Isolates an area of an image to apply color changes, filters and other effects. A mask can also be used to protect an area from change.
  4. Grab Object -- Creates an object from the selected area.

    To display the Area Toolbar, choose Area toolbar from the View menu. A check mark beside this menu option indicates the Toolbar is currently displayed.

Object Toolbar

Appears automatically when the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor, with at least one object in the image window.

The Object Toolbar allows you to move and modify objects in the image window as follows:

  1. Move Object -- Allows you to click on the object and drag it anywhere within the image window.
  2. Trim -- Allows you to trim away unwanted portions of the object.
  3. Blend - Allows you to indicate portions of the object that are semi-transparent, or blended into the background.
  4. Magic Wand - Allows you to trim a contiguous portion of the same color from the object, based on the color you click on in the object.
  5. Size - Adds sizing handles around the object, so you can click the handles to drag the object larger or smaller, wider or taller.
  6. Rotate - Adds rotate handles around the object, so you can click the handles and drag them in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction to rotate the object.
  7. Edit Text - Gives you access to the text cursor, which allows you to edit the text. The text cursor is initially at the far right edge of the text object. Click the right arrow key to see the cursor.

Filter Toolbar

Available when the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor.

The Filter Toolbar allows you to draw special effects, known as filters, on the current image. The Filter Toolbar provides you with the following tools:

  1. Blur -- Softens the area you drag the mouse over.
  2. Sharpen -- Sharpens the area you drag the mouse over.
  3. Adjust Color -- Adjusts the color (RGB, HSL or HSC) of the area you drag the mouse over.
  4. Zoom -- Zooms the window in by one level with each left mouse click on the image, and zooms out with each right mouse click on the image.
  5. Posterize -- Reduces the number of colors in the area you drag the mouse over.
  6. Gray-scale -- Converts the area you drag the mouse over to shades of gray.
  7. Texture -- Creates a textured effect on the area you drag the mouse over, using the colors of the current object. Requires an object in the current image window.
  8. Texture Recolor -- Applies a a texture of the current object, using the hue and saturation of the object and the lightness of the background image. Requires an object in the current image window.
  9. Smudge -- Smears the colors of the area as you drag the mouse.
  10. Shuffle -- Shuffles the pixels of the area as you drag the mouse, for a speckled effect.
  11. Stamp -- Paints a repeating pattern of the current object as you drag the mouse. Requires an object in the current image window.
  12. Stamp Recolor -- Applies a stamp, using the hue and saturation of the object and the lightness of the background image. Requires an object in the current image window.
    Select the appropriate size and shape brush from the Brush Shapes Toolbar when using the Filter tools.
    If an area is selected, the Filter tools will apply only in the selected area.

    To undo a portion of the filter you applied, immediately click or drag with the right mouse button on the portion you want to undo.

    To display the Filter Toolbar, choose Filter Toolbar from the View menu. A check mark beside this menu option indicates the Toolbar is currently displayed.

Paint Toolbar

Available when the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor.

The Paint Toolbar allows you to paint on the current image. The Paint Toolbar provides you with the following tools:

  1. Freehand -- Allows you to paint a freehand design on the image.
  2. Lines -- Allows you to paint a straight line on the image.
  3. K-lines -- Allows you to paint a series of connected lines on the image. Complete the image by right-clicking.
  4. Frame -- Allows you to draw a rectangular outline on the image.
  5. Round Frame -- Allows you to draw a rectangular outline with rounded corners on the image.
  6. Ellipse -- Allows you to draw an ellipse outline on the image.
  7. Filled Rectangle -- Allows you to draw a solid rectangle on the image.
  8. Filled Round Rectangle -- Allows you to draw a solid rectangle with rounded corners on the image.
  9. Filled Ellipse -- Allow you to draw a solid elliptical shape on the image.
  10. Airbrush -- Allows you to apply an airbrush effect to the image.
  11. Flood Fill -- Allows you to fill all contiguous pixels of the same color you click on with the paint color.
  12. Grab Color -- Allows you to click on a color in the image and grab that color to the palette to then paint with it.
  13. Recolor -- Changes the hue and saturation of the area you paint over to that of the foreground or background color, depending on whether you paint with the left or right mouse button, respectively. Keeps the lightness of the image background.
  14. Foreground Color -- The color you paint with when using the left mouse button. To change this color, click the button and select a color from the Color Pallet box.
  15. Background Color -- The color you paint with when using the right mouse button. To change this color, click the button and select a color from the Color Pallet box.

    Select the appropriate size and shape brush from the Brush Shapes Toolbar when using the Paint tools. If an area is selected, the Paint tools will apply only in the selected area.

    To display the Paint Toolbar, choose Paint Toolbar from the View menu. A check mark beside this menu option indicates the Toolbar is currently displayed.

Brush Shape Toolbar

Available when the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor.

The Brush Shape Toolbar allows you to select just the right size and shape of brush for trimming objects or painting on images or applying filters. The brush shapes include eight sizes of round brushes and six sizes of square brushes, with the smallest square equaling one pixel in size.

To display the Brush Shape Toolbar, choose Brush Shape Toolbar from the View menu. A check mark beside this menu option indicates the Toolbar is currently displayed.

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